The Cruiser Group is open to all members of our club regardless of whether you have your own cruiser or not. If this is the sort of sailing that interests you, and you would like to receive information regarding club rallies, cruiser events or information relevant to cruisers, get your name on the Cruiser Group email circulation list, by emailing your details to : Unfortunately we do not have a Class Captain at present to organise and coordinate Cruiser Group activities. (Please see the report below.) Despite the lack of a Class Captain, we hope some events will occur this season although our programme will not be as full as we would like.
From: Adrian Robson, Outgoing Cruiser Class Captain
I have now been the RVYC Cruiser Class Captain for ten years and as I have previously mentioned, it is time for somebody else to take over this role. With other commitments that I have, it will not be possible for me to continue and consequently I will be standing down at the start of the 2024 season. If you feel that you would be prepared to take on this role, I would be happy to discuss and provide a description of the Cruiser Captain's role with anyone interested.
Cruiser Class Captain - Post currently vacant
Adrian Robson
Hilary Martin (Permit Registrar)
Mark Weeks
Contact email:
All members of RVYC have the right to obtain a Special Ensign permit under the Club's Warrant if they are British citizens and own a yacht (sail/motor/RIB) which meets Conditions Governing the Issue of Yacht Permits. (Contact Hilary Martin direct or via email to the Cruiser Group.)
Timbrell's Quay, Beaulieu
The Beaulieu rally is a popular annual event. It is important to undertake this rally to maintain our privilege for mooring at Beaulieu. Although we have no fixed dates for this rally, we hope to organise this at some point during the season, either as a single rally or part of a longer Solent event
Unfortunately due to weather and circumstances we were only able to complete one rally during 2023. With a relatively small turnout, the annual Timbrell's Quay rally at Beaulieu was successfully completed. Four yachts; Sanity, Talpa, Nosey and Cassiopeia made their way to Beaulieu in beautiful sunny weather. A gentle NE wind made for an easy run to the Beaulieu River, although a little extra wind would have helped. Crews gathered on the green for supper and refreshments. The following day required an early morning start which unfortunately turned a bit wet. Sanity and Talpa made their way home, while Nosey and Cassiopeia spent the morning in Newtown harbour whilst waiting for a favourable tide to return to their home ports. Once again the sun returned to dry us out and a SW wind gave an excellent sail back up the Solent. Photos of the rally are on the Club website.
To access our photos of the above and previous rallies, use the following procedure.
1. Go to the RVYC website.
2. Login.
3. Select LINKS.
4. Select Club Photo Area (If this option does not appear at the top of the list then you have not logged in.)
5. Click on the folder RVYC Photos Cruisers.
6. Select the folder for the year that you want.
7. Select the folder for the rally that you want.
This link may also be used to access the Wednesday Group Sailing trips.
If you are new to sailing and would like to get a taste of what cruiser sailing is like, then join the cruiser section of the Wednesday night Adult Sailing. The Cruiser Group supports this training providing experience on the water and basic understanding in some of the theory required to for this type of sailing. In addition we also hope to offer some longer day cruises. These will be advertised nearer the time.
Please see the Club calendar for Cruiser racing. A great way to hone your skills in making the best of wind and tide rather than turning on the engine or to have a couple of hours' sail with an objective.
- Special Ensign Permit CONDITIONS.pdf
- RVYC Special Ensign Permit Application Form June 2021.pdf
- RVYC Special Ensign Permit Application Instructions June 2021.pdf
Last updated 15:38 on 10 September 2024