Wightlink Island Forum
Organiser Sam Woodman [SamWoodman@wightlink.co.uk]
Date: Thursday, 7 December 2023
Number of visitors: 55 if numbers increase, we will let you know nearer the time.
Number of Wightlink colleagues: 5
Catering: 60 - tea/coffee and cakes
Seating: Theatre style
TV Screen: We'd like to use the TV screen for a presentation. What cables / devices do we need to bring?
Stands: We'll need a couple of tables towards the back of the room to put leaflets on (with a chair on each for colleagues to sit behind) and we'll probably bring a couple of pop-up banners too.
Timing: Actual event is 5pm-7.30pm (5pm-6pm is "drop in" and then 6pm-7.30pm is the Q&A/presentation bit). We would ideally need the room from 4pm.
Last updated 10:05pm on 16 January 2025